All landlords and tenants have responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies Act 1986.
This page outlines the key responsibilities for both landlords and tenants. You can find out more about specific areas in the other sections of this website.
Residential Tenancies Act 1986
Landlord’s responsibilities
When renting out a property, landlords need to:
- make sure the property is in a reasonable condition
- let the tenant have quiet enjoyment of the property
- meet all relevant building, health and safety standards
- handle any abandoned goods in the correct way
- inform the tenant if the property is for sale
They can’t:
- seize the tenant’s goods for any reason
- interfere with the supply of any services to the premises, unless it is necessary to avoid danger to a person or to allow repairs.
Tenant’s responsibilities
When renting a property, tenants need to:
- pay the rent on time
- keep the property reasonably clean and tidy
- let the landlord know about any damage or repairs straight away
- pay for their own outgoings eg, electricity, gas and internet
- leave the property clean, tidy, and clear of rubbish and possessions
- leave all keys with the landlord when they move out
- leave all items that were supplied with the tenancy.
Tenants must not:
- stop paying rent if the landlord hasn’t done repairs
- damage the premises
- disturb the neighbours or the landlord’s other tenants
- make any alterations to the property without the landlord’s written consent
- use the property for any unlawful purpose
- have more than the maximum number of occupants listed in the tenancy agreement.
Landlords and tenants
Both landlords and tenants are responsible for:
- making sure the tenancy agreement is in writing
- keeping their contact details up to date
- not changing the locks without permission
If you are in a unit title property (eg an apartment or townhouse), you must also follow the body corporate rules.
Renting and You guide
This guide is outlines rights and responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies Act.
Remember, this is only a guide. It doesn’t cover everything and it’s not the same as getting legal advice.